Basic Rules of the Iditarod
Important Facts About the Iditarod

Basic Rules of the Iditarod

Awards for Mushing

Iditarod Dogs

Training for the Iditarod

2002 Cash Prize Winners

Iditarod Links

My Guestbook


Mandatory Stops and Items
Mushers must take one 24-hour stop and two 8-hour stops. Mushers can choose where they take the 24-hour stop, but they must take one 8-hour stop at the White Mountian checkpoint and the other 8-hour stop at the Yukon checkpoint. These are the items mushers must carry on their sleds:
Sleeping Bag
One pair of snowshoes
Any promotional material provide by the ITC
Eight booties for each dog
One operational cooker and pot
Veterinarian notebook

Dog Maximums and Minimums
A musher can start the race with a maximum number of 16 dogs. A musher must have at least 12 dogs at the start of the race. A musher must finish with at least 5 dogs.

Treatment of Dogs
No cruel or inhumane treatment of dogs is allowed during the race.